St. Symphorosa School
of Two Holy Martyrs Parish
Faith Family Academic Excellence
WHY St. Symphorosa School is worth the investment
Community of Families-We are grounded in our root beliefs-All things are possible with God, A community of Kindness, Love and Support equals success, and Our children are Stewards of God’s gifts.
Greeting each child by name every morning
Providing programs for children to share their talents-art, music, Geo Bee, band, chess, STEM
Supportive parent organizations that offer sports, bring people together, provide activities and funding for the school children
View our School Video
Moral and Spiritual Development-We focus on teaching children to be virtuous in order to follow the golden rule-“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Averaging 88 vouchers given to our students weekly for their positive/virtuous behaviors
Opening and closing all-school assemblies to teach students about the monthly virtue
Provide special recognition to students who have earned the virtue of the month
Morning meetings in the classroom to provide moral support and guidance
Supportive Environment-We plan activities that connect to our theme,
St. Syms Superheroes-Our Words and Actions have Power!
Superhero assembly highlighting the importance of standing up for someone if they are being bullied or doing the right thing even when it is hard
Classroom read-alouds that share a message of kindness and strength through adversity
Programs such as DARE and GREAT led by local law enforcement to teach our students lessons on making good choices and standing up for what is right
Providing after school tutoring and services for children who need extra help
Academic Readiness-We have high academic expectations for our students and our teachers provide rigorous daily instruction.
According to the Archdiocese annual data review, our school has been rated highly competitive based on an analysis of our student’s outcomes vs. local public options
2 closest public school’s average scores-19% more of our students are meeting or exceeding state standards in Reading and 25% more in Math
Increasing technology access in classrooms and the opening of our new STEM studio
Highly qualified teachers, many with advanced degrees, and an average tenure of 18 years
Affordable Investment-We provide opportunities for families to accept Financial Aid, students to earn scholarships, and other ways for families to decrease tuition costs.
Through Tax Credit Scholarships, CARITAS, Big Shoulders, Il Action for Children and other scholarships and aid we awarded $164,925 to our families representing 100 students
$3,300 was deducted from families’ tuition because of the referral bonus
TRP using SCRIP services enables families to purchase gift cards, now online for immediate use while earning money off tuition