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St Symphorosa Parent Association (P.A.)

What We Do…

The purpose of the Parent Association is to make possible many of the events and fundraisers at St. Symphorosa.  It takes many volunteers to pull off such worthwhile events and fundraisers, and our goal is to keep as many parents involved in their child’s school as possible. Here is list of just some of the events and fundraisers that we sponsor: HAUNTED TRAILS NIGHT, FITNESS FRIDAY, YEARBOOK, USED UNIFORM/SPIRIT WEAR SALES, CATHOLIC SCHOOL’S WEEK STUDENT ASSEMBLY, OPEN HOUSE HOSPITALITY, MARKET DAY, SANTA'S SHOP, CHARLESTON WRAP, TAFFY APPLES, WORLD'S FINEST FUNDRAISERS, SCHOOL DANCES, FAST FOOD DAYS, PORTILLO'S FAMILY NIGHT, GREETING CARD FUNDRAISER, SOUKALS FLOWER SALE, BOON SUPPLY FUNDRAISER, SCHOOL SUPPLY KITS, CANDLE FUNDRAISER, CLASSROOM PARENT MODERATORS, HALLOWEEN, CULVERS NIGHT, HOLIDAY RAFFLES, SACRAMENT GIFTS, FOOTBALL MANIA FUNDRAISER, & MORE!

Join Our Team…

Your show of support is one of the greatest gifts that you can contribute as a parent of St. Symphorosa School, and it is much appreciated! If you have a child or children attending St. Sym’s and you would like to join the Parent Association Board, please reach out to one of our members to find out how to join today!

P.A. Fee…

Your P.A. Fee is included in your tuition costs on FACTS. In the past, this fee was used as a lunch presider fee. This year, we will again be reallocating a portion of the P.A. Fee to pay for the additional cleaning supplies and resources that the school will need to keep up with the demand of new requirements for the school to safely remain open given the on-going battle with Covid-19. We will also be allocating a portion of this fee, to help absorb some of the inflation costs that are affecting our operating costs as an organization.

Fundraising Quota (tuition reduction)…

Each school year, the Parent Association Board selects fundraisers that will help you fulfill your fundraising quota as well as reduce your tuition. Each family has a dollar amount or fundraising quota to fulfill. By participating in these fundraisers, you will receive a percentage of your sales to apply toward your fundraising quota. Once your quota is fulfilled, the additional percentages raised will then reduce your tuition.

* Please note that the P.A. may also sponsor additional events or fundraisers that are not eligible to be applied toward this fundraising quota. This will be notated on any materials sent home. *

For your reference, the 2022-23 fundraisers eligible for reaching your fundraising quota are listed here:

 FOOTBALL MANIA (50%), GREETING CARDS (30%), CHARLESTON WRAP & GIFTS (Catalogue Paper Items: 50% / Catalogue Other Items: 40% / Online Orders: 30%), CANDLE FUNDRAISER (40%), WORLD’S FINEST CHOCOLATE, SPRING & FALL SALES (50%), BOON SUPPLY (40%).

These fundraisers are a great way to stock up for the holidays or to shop for essentials and gifts all year round! Make them known to family and friends, as many of them love to help the kids!

* Percentages shown are subject to change based on stipulations set by the fundraising companies. Additional fundraisers may be added as approved, suggestions are welcomed! *

Service Hours…

15 Service Hours are required every year for each individual school family. The Parent Association Board does their best to provide you with plenty of service hour opportunities and are ALWAYS looking for volunteers for any events that we sponsor. Volunteer forms will be sent home with each event package, so be sure to watch out for those, and volunteer as much as you can! We are also always looking for new events to bring to the school, so please, feel free to send us your ideas!


DID YOU KNOW… We have a Parent Facebook Page?!  

Do you have questions about anything school related or want to see or post pictures from field trips or special events? Come check us out @ St. Symphorosa School Parents OR



Meet Our Board Members

Current St. Symphorosa Board Members (and events chaired)

President - Chrissy Jones: Open House Hospitality, Haunted Trails Family Fun Night

Vice President – Natalie Gallegos: U. Uniform/S.Wear Sales, CSW Student Assembly, Fitness Friday

Treasurer - Sofia Carmona: Santa’s Workshop, Charleston Wrap,Taffy Apple Sale

Secretary - Monica Scott: World’s Finest, Market Day, Dances

Marlene Smolek: Fast Food Days, Portillo’s Family Night, Dances

Christina Casey: Greeting Card Fundraiser, Soukal’s Flower Sale

Nicole Petraitis: Candle Fundraiser, Dances

Carriann Engelhardt: Santa’s Workshop, Boon Supply, School Supply Kits

Rosa Pater: Culver’s Night, Holiday Raffles, Halloween

Lizette Ortiz: Classroom Parent Moderator, Dances, Halloween

Betsy Lopez: Sacrament Gifts, Dances

Marlene Avila: Halloween, Football Mania

Rege Phillips: CSW Teacher Appreciation Day, Halloween

Karen Kielbasa: Yearbook

INTERESTED IN BECOMING A BOARD MEMBER? We’re looking for a few more incredible parents to join our team! Reach out to Chrissy Jones to find out how to join to join the PA Board TODAY!!!ANY questions, comments, or concerns, please text, call or email: Chrissy Jones (773) 908-0699,

Contact Us

© Copyright 2017

St. Symphorosa Catholic School

Tel: 773-585-6888

Fax: 773-585-8411



6125 S. Austin Ave

Chicago, IL 60638

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