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St. Symphorosa Catholic School's

Third Grade Class

St. Symphorosa's Third Grade Class


Language Arts

English–Parts of Speech-Sentences

Writing-Narrative, Opinion, Persuasive, Expository, Creative Writing

Spelling/Vocab-Phonics mini lessons and Sadlier Vocab Workshop

Reading-Figurative language, book clubs, fluency and close reading, book reports


-Place value -Addition/Subtraction-Multiplication/Division-Graphing  Geometry-Time -Measurement-Fractions-Identity Patterns


-Jesus gives us the Church-We are led to worship-Called to discipleship-Seasons of the Church-Think Smart and Stay Safe Curriculum


-Forces and interactions-Interdependent relationships in ecosystems-Inheritance and variation of Traits-Weather and Climate

Social Studies

-Communities around the world-Government-Our community of Chicago


At St. Symphorosa...

Third grade is a big transition year for the students, who are now in the intermediate grades. Each student is helped to reach his or her highest potential through alternate ways of teaching, group work, and individual help.  All subjects are taught using the Common Core State Standards.  DOK (Depth of Knowledge) questions are given to help the students obtain a higher level of thinking.   Students are shown respect and learn to respect others. Service projects are one way to show we are Christians and care about others.  The third graders have pre-school buddies that we take to church for special prayer services and masses.

Contact Us

© Copyright 2017

St. Symphorosa Catholic School

Tel: 773-585-6888

Fax: 773-585-8411



6125 S. Austin Ave

Chicago, IL 60638

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