St. Symphorosa School
of Two Holy Martyrs Parish
Faith Family Academic Excellence
Junior High
In Junior High, our goal is to prepare each student for a successful high school career. We are very proud to say that 100% of our graduates are accepted into the high school of their choice.
As your student embarks on the final leg of their journey at St. Symphorosa, the faculty and staff are committed to help your child develop their higher order and critical thinking skills that will allow them to excel in High School and College.
5th - 8th Grade Curriculum
Grades 5 – 8 make up the Junior High student body where students rotate classes to better leverage the teachers' strength in their core subject matter. This allows students to experience a variety of methods to consistently and enables collaboration between teachers as they work to support students throughout junior high and across all core subjects.
As students move from 5th grade onward they will explore cultures from different eras and around the world through cross-curriculum activities that incorporate Social Studies, Reading, and Art. This allows our teachers to focus on higher level thinking and making connections between what we are learning, our lives, and the world in which we live. Organization and study skills are incorporated in 6th grade. Below you will find a small sampling of the curriculum our junior high students will encounter.
Beginning in third grade, students participate in the ACT Aspire assessment to measure attainment (the level they are performing at) and growth (how much they've grown in their attainment) and to learn how St. Symphorosa can help ensure your student' is ready for high school and beyond, click here.
Language Arts & Reading
The writing process with a concentration on argumentative writing and the eight parts of speech. The different parts of the writing process with a concentration on narrative writing and the eight parts of speech. The writing process is covered with a concentration on argumentative writing as well as the eight parts of speech. Various literary elements, grammar, reading and thinking skills, vocabulary skills, and writing skills are presented through class instruction and individual reading and book clubs.
Student are required to read three novels during the year and provide in depth-analysis of fiction/nonfiction selections including novels, annotated text, short stories, personal essays, articles, poetry, folktales, and informational text.
• Multiplication, Expressions, Dividing Whole Numbers, Adding/Subtracting and Multiplying/Dividing Decimals
• Adding and Subtracting Fractions, Multiplying/Dividing Fractions,
• Geometry
• Algebra Patterns and Graphing.
• Operations with Fractions and Decimals
• Ratios, Rates, and Percent’s
• Numerical Expressions, Algebraic Expressions, Equations and Relationships
• Area and Polygons, Distance and Area in the Coordinate Plane, and Surface Area and Volume of Solids.
• Analyzing and Comparing Data, Random Samples and Populations, Experimental Probability, Real Numbers
• Exponents and Scientific Notation and Solving Linear Equations
• Angle Relationships in Parallel Lines Triangles, The Pythagorean Theorem,
• Plants, biomes, ecosystems, weather and climate, sound energy
• Our science program focuses on chemistry, biology, astronomy, and Earth science.
• Science Fair starts in the 6th grade. Water/Oceanography, Electricity, Weather, Environment Science, Astronomy
• Microbiology, Ecology, Animal Diversity, Frog Dissections
Social Studies
• U.S. regions, Native Americans, Forming of the United States Our area of study is the Ancient World; Stone Age, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, with a high level of attention to Geography. 13 English Colonies, The American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, The Flag, U.S. Constitution, Illinois Constitution
• Pre-Civil War, The Civil War, Reconstruction, Immigration, WWI.
• From third through sixth Sacraments
• Study of the Mass
• Altar serving begins in 5th grade
• Child Lures
In seventh and eighth grade Our Main Focus Is The Bible, Particularly The Old Testament. The Religion series we use is We Live Our Faith through Sadlier. Our curriculum consists of the seven sacraments, the Church calendar, Jesus’s beginnings and life, and the beginning of Confirmation prep. The students lead the weekly mass which affords the students opportunities to participate in mass.
This catechetical program nourishes Catholic Identity through knowledge and spirituality, including:
Catholic Identity Retreats that expand the focus on spirituality and engage students in prayer, reflection, activities, discussion, and meditations
Home Companion & Resources to support family faith formation
Questions & Answers that allow students to explore and strengthen their faith
Web-based Resources